January not only marks the beginning of a new year, it is a perfect time to reflect on the old.
As I think back on the past year, I am reminded of the many blessings God bestowed on all of us at Baptist Children’s Homes (BCH). We have been blessed with volunteers that helped with numerous renovation projects that saved thousands of dollars. We have been blessed with donations of food, clothing and furniture. We have been blessed with the financial support to meet the needs of those individuals God has entrusted into BCH’s care. And we have been generously blessed by your remembering this ministry as you prayed.
And we are so very grateful.
I also enjoyed the opportunity last year to visit with many of you. I’ve heard wonderful stories of how you have been blessed and how you have blessed others. My heart was touched and encouraged as you – our dear friends – shared your joy of giving.
This year Baptist Children’s Homes will celebrate its 130th anniversary. One hundred and thirty years of providing a safe home where hope and love are unconditionally and generously offered every day. Hundreds upon hundreds of people have left their imprint through their love and support. Together, we create a wonderful legacy that makes a difference in a child’s life.
In addition to being the month that marks the new year, it is also “Make Your Will Month.” Planned gifts represent the long-term assurance that BCH will always be able to keep its commitment to care for those in need.
Each child’s life is a precious gift and throughout these 130 years, BCH has helped thousands of children. The children we helped yesterday have become the adults who share hope and strengthen our world today. The children we help today will become the adults who will offer hope and strengthen our world tomorrow. With your estate gift, the children we help tomorrow will continue this great legacy of sharing hope. . .changing lives.
I invite you to become a part of the continuing legacy by becoming an I.G. Greer Society member. BCH’s I.G. Greer Society was created to honor persons who have included BCH in their estate plans. As a part of our Sharing Hope…Changing Lives Capital Campaign, a caring couple has made a challenge gift offering to match the first $1 million pledged to BCH’s Campaign through planned giving – imagine doubling your gift. Let us know of your plans to include BCH in your planned giving and we can double your gift.
There are many ways you can help BCH through you Will – all of them offer advantages to you, your family and BCH. Your peace of mind and the future needs of your family can be protected and the future of the ministries important to you can be continued.
Ask your attorney to explain in detail your many options as you prepare or update your Will. Here are a few ways to include BCH in your Will.
– Denote a specific amount to be given to BCH.
– Specify a percentage of assets to come to BCH.
– Indicate the residue of the assets to come to BCH.
– Name BCH as the contingent beneficiary.
You may also consider other planned giving options such as a gift annuity, trust, insurance, and utilizing retirement plan assets.
I am so grateful for the generosity and thoughtfulness of people who have chosen to leave a legacy – to make a difference – and impact the hopelessness experienced by children yesterday, today and tomorrow. For more information on how you can impact the “least of these” through your legacy gift, call me at 336-474-1230.
Please note that we combine the January/February issues of Charity & Children and you will not receive a paper in February. So, I’m taking this opportunity to personally challenge you to be bold this February! Celebrate by sharing love with others by doing at least one act of kindness each of the 28 days of the month. Email me and let me know how you encouraged others through your many acts of kindness. Can’t wait to hear about the creative ways you offered hope to others. Email your acts of kindness to bbgray@