Jim Gorsuch gently holds Jan’s hand as the couple walk the hallways of the McFarland Building. Every few moments, the Gorsuches stop to study a new photo on the wall or admire the renovated features their financial contribution provided.
The building, which houses BCH’s administrative offices on the Mills Home campus, was completely renovated through the generosity of the longtime supporters.
“I always told my kids when we discussed inheritance that a good portion would go to BCH because we can’t do enough for these children,” Jim explained. “Our children were all for it. They knew how much Jan and I care.”
Joined by their family and friends, Jan and Jim were recognized at a special ceremony on Sunday, August 2. The renovations were made in honor of Jan and celebrate her love for BCH and her ministry to children as a teacher at Penelope Baptist Church, the couple’s home church in Hickory.
One of the children impacted by Jan was Regina Keener who now serves as the director of Mills Home. She was in Jan’s daycare class as a four-year-old.
“Even at my young age, I knew that Jan loved us and that she cared about me,” Regina shared with the crowd at the ceremony. “It’s appropriate that we are celebrating Jan today at BCH where the priority is the same – helping the children here know they are cared for and loved.”
“My mother was the youngest of 12 children and she experienced difficulties in her family home,” her son Jeff said. “She had a special place in her heart for children coming from hard times. She wanted them to know they were a special child of God.”
The Gorsuch’s gift was made possible through the sale of their beach home in Pawley’s Island, SC. The couple was able to remain in the home even after the agreement with BCH was in place. Their gift was
unrestricted meaning BCH was allowed to use the funds however leadership deemed necessary.
“The McFarland Building was in need of some tender loving care, and there is no one who cares more deeply for children than Jan Gorsuch,” said BCH president Michael C. Blackwell speaking at the event. “We are blessed by Jan and Jim’s compassion, but the ultimate recipients of their love are our children.”