It's not about gifts or the money you spend, it's about Jesus. - Marcie
Everybody loves Christmas. The residents of Hinkle House in Winston-Salem are no different. Thoughts of Thanksgiving have not faded and the ladies are already looking forward to the many things the season brings: good food, fun and fellowship with friends and families, church Christmas programs, and the giving and receiving of gifts.
“Christmas is a favorite time of the year for me,” Marcie says. “But with all that goes on, I always remember that it’s Jesus’ birthday first.”
“Yes!” Nicole echoes. “Jesus’ birthday.”
The two and their four housemates are part of Baptist Children’s Homes (BCH) Developmental Disabilities Ministry (DDM). BCH operates nine cottages across North Carolina serving developmentally disabled adults in six communities.
DDM is designed to provide a safe living environment with a Christian atmosphere and includes opportunities for spiritual enrichment, preparation of nutritious meals, transportation, and enhancement of daily, independent living and social skills.

Holiday greenery and a nativity scene sit on the dining table. Baby Jesus is given center stage as the ladies arrange and rearrange the figurines. Marcie holds the shepherd. Nicole begins to tell the story: “Mary and Joseph came to Bethlehem and Baby Jesus was born in the manger. The shepherd men were in the fields watching their flocks and then they came to see Jesus.”
Marcie says Christmas is a good thing. “Since I accepted Jesus into my heart, Christmas has even become better.”
Nicole looks forward to shopping. She says she has her Christmas list and another list for people she is buying presents.
“My housemates all get a gift,” she says definitively. “My parents and our caregivers are on my list, too.”
“I want a hair dryer and barrettes,” Marcie says under her breath.
Both ladies begin to talk about the house’s Christmas party. Families are invited.
“The food is so good,” Nicole says. “Baked Christmas ham is my favorite.”
The list of other favorites includes a variety of cookies and pies. Casseroles and sides are included.
Both agree a highlight of the party is when they sing together for the families.
“We practice,” Nicole assures. “The songs are some of the best songs of Christmas – some of my favorites.”

Marcie knows Christmas is a time to wish others well. She knows Hinkle House has many friends – many North Carolina Baptists who help guarantee that she has a home.
“I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas,” she says. “I thank God for them all.”
“Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!” Nicole adds. “Thank you for loving me and praying for me.”
Make an investment in the life of residents like Marcie and Nicole. You can help by making an online donation at www.bchfamily.org/givenow. Your gift changes the lives of children, families, and special needs adults!
Learn about our Development Disabilities Ministy at www.hereismyhome.org