Growth is happening at Baptist Children’s Homes (BCH)! Did you know?
Last year, we cared for 21,876 individuals.
Our residential care (providing a home for children) has increased by 24% in the past two years.
Our ministry to families through our family care program has increased by 314% in the past two years.
Our evangelism and outreach ministry has increased by 118%.
Our ministry to aging adults continues to grow, offering services to the frail and well aging, as the number of aging 65+ in North Carolina grows.
The tremendous needs of children and families across North Carolina continue to challenge us. Stories of child abuse, domestic violence and abuse of aging adults is now a common thread through our reported news every day – so much so that we have to guard our hearts to make sure we are not becoming numb to the pain all around us.
A part of my prayer time each morning is asking God to open my eyes and my heart to the opportunities for that day to offer hope and ease pain. There is a plaque in my office which says, “Be kinder than necessary, for everybody is fighting some kind of battle.” These are the first words I see when I walk into my office each morning. These words help me stay focused on the value and importance of those around me and the many opportunities to serve. I have to admit that sometimes I get so caught up in the busyness of what I am doing. This gentle reminder brings me back to where I need to be.
Every day at Baptist Children’s Homes, we are given opportunities of sharing hope. . . changing lives. Because you care, I believe that children and families will continue to be able to depend on BCH for physical, emotional and spiritual care.
Your prayer and financial support are critical to make sure BCH achieves the mission all of us feel God has called us to fulfill. In September of 2013, our Board of Trustees approved the Sharing Hope. . .Changing Lives Capital Campaign to help meet the ever increasing needs. The campaign is rapidly moving to its completion date of September, 2016, and yet there are still so many needs to be met. The challenges and opportunities before us are three-fold.
Renovation of Facilities
We presently need to raise $2.5 million for renovations. In the past two years we have renovated and reopened a number of cottages. At this time we are in the process of renovating a cottage on the Mills Home campus and hope to renovate another cottage soon to be able to serve the increasing needs.
Our properties and buildings in and of themselves are not important. But in the right hands, they are tools to redirect the life of a child. They become security for the night, hope for a future and a foundation to stand on. The completion of these much needed repairs will provide more opportunities to serve more children and families. It will give us the ability to continue our quest to provide a Christian family-like environment conducive to enabling each one who comes to us fighting their many battles, to feel loved, safe, and begin to heal.
Operational Support
With the tremendous increase in needs, it stands to reason there is a critical need for funds to meet these needs. We never want to have to turn a child or anyone in need away because of lack of funds.
Increase Endowment to Provide Long-Term Sustainability
We have been providing hope and a future for children since 1885 and we want
to continue this tremendous mission God called us to for many years to come or until he calls us home.
I am asking you to prayerfully consider making a gift to the Sharing Hope. . .Changing Lives Campaign. A five year pledge period is available. There are many ways you can give, such as gifts of cash, stocks, real estate, life insurance, life income plans such as gift annuities, gifts in kind, or through a bequest. Your gift can be designated for a particular campus or a particular need.
And so I end with a challenge. Ask God to guard your heart against apathy and to open your eyes and heart to the opportunities before you each day to offer hope and ease pain. As others before us helped us, let us help the children in care today and those who will come tomorrow. Let’s be about Kingdom building. Let’s make a difference!
For more information on the Sharing Hope. . . Changing Lives Campaign call me at 336-689-4442.