Alan Williams stepped to the podium and received his “Employee of the Year” certificate from Baptist Children’s Homes (BCH) president/CEO Michael C. Blackwell and BCH Board chairman Jay Westmoreland. Being recognized for his efforts was the last thing Williams expected.
“When I received the letter telling me that I had been selected, I had to read it twice,” he revealed. “I believe in what I do at BCH and don’t do it for an ‘attaboy’ or a ‘high five.’ I was completely blown away by it.”
Williams is one of six BCH staff members to be awarded the annual honor. They were recognized at the Trustee Meeting on April 5 in front of BCH leadership, trustees and peers. He joined BCH in November 2006 as office manager for the agency’s development and communications department. He hasn’t looked back.
“I came to BCH hoping I could make a difference,” Williams explained. “At the end of each work day, I always hope that I’ve been mindful of God’s great love and that I’ve passed that love along to anyone I’ve come in contact with.”
William’s responsibilities bring him into daily contact with donors, church representatives and fellow staff members as well as children in care and BCH alumni. He spearheads many events and initiatives including “Friends of Children Workdays,” “Food Roundup” and “Runway for Success.”
“Alan is one of those unsung champions who labor without recognition,” Blackwell said to the audience attending trustee meeting. “That is, until today.”
2016 Honorees
Dathan Arant is a senior child care worker, alongside his wife Diana, at BCH’s Broyhill Home in Clyde. Dathan is known for his compassion, honesty, humor, and cheerful and forgiving spirit. His peers admire his qualities and consider them both positive and contagious.
“This past Sunday, two of our young men came down the church aisle and got saved,” Dathan shared with those attending the meeting. “That’s what this ministry is all about, and I get the privilege to be a part of it.”
Dan Arrington serves as a child care worker with his wife Alice at Mills Home in Thomasville. Dan is always joyous in his role caring for girls at Johnson Cottage. He is upbeat and shares laughter, levity and love as a part of his ongoing legacy.
"God sent me here and guides me every day. I can’t do it without Him. God has given all of us something to do – every child care worker, every office worker. We do it and we do it well because God is behind us,” Dan said to the group.
Cindy Ayers is a lead teacher with BCH’s Weekday Education program in Thomasville.
She is known for her excellence in everything she does while teaching the children in her classroom. Cindy goes the extra mile arriving early, shoveling sidewalks and taking extra time to engage with parents.
“I couldn’t ask for a better job, better people to work beside, or a better organization than BCH,” Cindy shared at the meeting. “I couldn’t ask for anything more.”
Brian Ritch serves special needs adults as the qualified professional at BCH’s Developmental Disabilities Ministry’s Mercer Home in Sanford. Brian does whatever it takes to care for the residents. He fills in for residential care givers at both Mercer Home and Lanier Home, its sister home next door. His priority is to ensure the residents always feel safe and secure.
“At DDM, we all work as a team and follow Christ’s example of being a servant,” Brian told the audience. “It’s a privilege to work with these special adults who teach us the true meaning of courage.”
Peggy Taylor is the resident manager at Britton Ministries in Ahoskie, a Family Care home for single mothers and their children. She has established strong relationships with churches, laity and other agencies in supporting the homeless. She is a trusted source in the Ahoskie area.
“I thank the Lord everyday for Britton Ministries,” Peggy shared. “I love my job and what I get to do.”
Alan Williams is the office manager of BCH’s development and communications office. Besides performing his daily duties, Alan is known for his listening ear and ensuring that everyone who contacts BCH is responded to with compassion.
“We get to work at this God-breathed, God-inspired place called BCH where we say God wants your life to be better,” Alan said. “We serve people every day who need to be loved and we get to do just that.”
Would you like the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of children and families? Learn more about available career opportunities of Baptist Children's Homes of North Carolina by visiting www.bchcareers.org.