Where I’m From - Megan's Poem
I'm from an old rickety home where no one belongs, where mattresses lie on the floor and the front door is never locked. I'm from the deepest darkest family secrets, the nastiest memories that burn like fire in the back of everyone's mind. I'm from the family that told their kids not to be afraid of what would come next, but to swallow the pill that would come next and the family that would sit back and enjoy the view.
I'm from heavy hands and thick leather belts. Red puffy welts on hind ends and crooked white scars. From dusty broken mirrors with a reflection of hatred and rib cage bones, from the drink glasses and bottles broken on the carpet floor. I'm from a father who was never really a dad, the drunk and abusive man who loved me, but was too caught up in the drugs to show me what love is. From the family legacy where everyone had some sort of twisted family member that just didn't know what the word no meant . . .
I'm also from a family where everyone cares and where your bad experiences can fade away, from a family who feeds me and never reminds me of the twisted mess that I used to be. I'm from a Father who would do anything to see me be successful. I'm from holy hands that touch me with grace and mercy, who forgives me of my sins when others fail to do so, from a Father who will love me no matter what I look or act like.
I'm the only survivor in my family, so one day my child will be from a family that loves her. She won't be from the rickety old home where no one belongs. – Megan
At Baptist Children’s Homes, hope and healing have taken place in Megan’s life. This month, Megan will reach a major milestone. She will graduate from high school. Just a few years ago, she would not have believed it could ever happen.
Her school year has been exciting and challenging. Megan’s senior project in English was one of those challenges. Her teacher asked the class to share their life stories through poems. At first, Megan did not want to write about her life. She did not want to go back and relive her painful childhood. But putting into words her past and understanding her healing proved to be another milestone.
After Megan graduates from high school, she plans to go to Western Carolina University and major in music. Her instrument of choice is the flute.
Take time to read Megan’s Poem and scan the QR code or go online at www.bchnc.org/ meg16 to see her playing Amazing Grace and sharing her poem. As you read and listen, know that God used you, your prayers and your faithful support to help Megan reach these milestones.
Megan is one of a number of our youth who will soon be graduating. Like Megan, many of them had to overcome significant obstacles in order to reach this goal. It is a special time for them and for those of us who take such pride in their achievements.
Milestones are important in our lives. In scriptures, we read where Jacob, after an encounter with God in a dream, rose and took the stone he had used as a pillow and set it up to mark the spot where God had promised to bless him. It was a milestone in his life.
Later, we read that after crossing the Jordan River into the Promised Land, God instructed Joshua to take 12 men and remove 12 stones from the river and make an altar so that when the children asked about the stones, the people could recount how God led them in the crossing of the Jordan.
Milestones are markers of those places and moments when life is changed forever. Our seniors at BCH have reached a goal that will open doors for them for the rest of their lives. It is the culmination of persistence and hard work. Other milestones will follow – a college degree, their first full-time job, marriage, becoming a parent. Like Megan, BCH’s children and their families are treated with respect and dignity and shown their potential to succeed. And the most important milestone they can experience while in our care is to respond to the Good News of Jesus Christ.
For all of this, we thank you. It is your support and love that makes it possible for these children to have milestones to look back on and to know that they have been the recipients not just of diplomas but of redeeming hope and love.
We celebrate with Megan and all of our children who have faced their past and experienced hope and healing . . . a major milestone in their lives. This issue of Charity & Children contains pictures of our graduates. A tremendous round of applause is given to each of them.
The applause is also given to the hard working, dedicated staff members who provide daily care for each child. And a loud round of applause goes out to each of you – BCH’s friends and supporters. Without you, none of this would be possible. Thank you for helping to create wonderful milestones in children’s lives.
To create a special moment that will change the life of a child forever, contact Brenday Gray at 336-689-4442 or bbgray@bchfamily.org. Make an online donation today - click here to send your gift!