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Women from Lanier Home experience new adventures

Writer: bchfamilybchfamily

The ladies from Lanier Home, one of Baptist Children's Homes nine homes for disabled adults, had an amazing opportunity to spend the day with wonderful people from The Salvation Army in Asheboro.

Our day started with a trip to The North Carolina Aviation Museum where the ladies not only were able to learn about the history of aviation but also had an opportunity “to sit in seats” where many pilots sat as they helped to preserve the freedoms that we so richly enjoy.

They then went to enjoy a wonderful lunch where they had a chance to visit with chickens, goats and huggable puppies. Their day concluded at Zooland Campground where after “working up a sweat on the volleyball court the ladies had an opportunity to prepare and enjoy s'mores around a campfire where they were able to truly learn why they are called S-Mors – “because if you eat one you want Some More”.

One of the best things about the day was that the ladies had an opportunity to “make new friends” with members of The Salvation Army.

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