The 2016 AAIM (Aging Adults Innovating Ministry) Roundup was held May 5 at Rich Fork Baptist Church in Thomasville. The day-long event marked the second Roundup in as many years. Last year, 67 attended the event on the Mills Home campus in Thomasville. This year’s gathering had more than 130 in attendance. The event is an initiative of North Carolina Baptist Aging Ministry (NCBAM).
AAIM is a network of ministers, lay leaders and church members in tune with the challenges and opportunities facing the aging. The Roundup brings members from Baptist churches around the State for a day of education and fellowship.
This year’s program featured “America’s Santa” Jim Dyer. “Early Bird” workshops focusing on aging adult ministry for the small church and reaching Baby Boomers began the day. Attendees later learned how to identify and assess the needs of the aging in churches and communities and determine paths of ministry and participated in a conversation on generations' ministry and evangelism. A Parade of Churches highlighted successful aging adult ministries and community partners.
Baptist Children’s Homes president/CEO and NCBAM Founder Michael C. Blackwell gave the keynote address prior to lunch.