Each year on Mother’s Day weekend, you can see ribbons of smoke rise above Broyhill Home in Clyde. The wood-scented smoke emanates from giant cookers and grills that volunteers bring to Baptist Children’s Homes’ (BCH) mountain campus for the annual “Cookin’ for the Kids” Broyhill Home Barbecue Festival.
Cook teams from the surrounding area spend all Friday night tending some of the best barbecue prepared in the state in hopes of taking home a trophy and bragging rights after the next day’s friendly competition.
“It’s an absolutely fantastic event that brings the community on the campus where they can share in our ministry of sharing hope. . .changing lives,” said Linda Morgan, Director of Broyhill Home and BCH’s statewide child/residential services. “In doing so it helps us meet the needs of the children as all proceeds benefit Broyhill Home.”

The festival, which took place on Saturday, May 7, continues to raise more and more funds each year. This year’s event continued that trend raising a record $26,890.
“Since the festival started we’ve been able to do so many things on the Broyhill campus,” Morgan explained. “From providing daily food and activities to putting a roof over a child’s head, the barbecue festival has helped make it possible to accomplish things that we would not have been able to
do otherwise.”
Led by members of Ninevah Baptist Church in Waynesville and pastor Mike Leslie, the yearly event is completely produced by volunteers.
Morgan is quick to point out that the festival is one of the few campus events where her staff does not have to organize efforts.
“Mike and Ninevah Baptist Church are aGodsend,” she said. “This church has joined hand-in-hand with us to bring about hope, healing, care and compassion to the children.”
Ninevah Baptist Church member Rick McElroy serves on one of the cook teams.
“I tell people all the time that Ninevah Baptist is not a doctor or lawyer church, but what we can do is come out and cook. It’s how we help and serve.”
In addition to the barbecue cook-off, the event offers a 3D archery shoot, a car show, vendors, and live Gospel music. All of the day’s activities raise support for Broyhill Home.
Next year is the 10th anniversary of the festival. In the weeks ahead, volunteers will be making plans to guarantee this milestone is extra special.

“Every year the barbecue is better, the events that comprise the festival are larger, and the generous hearts of Ninevah Baptist Church’s volunteers and all of the friends driving this event grow bigger,” said BCH president/CEO Michael C. Blackwell. “The ‘Cookin’ for the Kids’ Barbecue Festival stands for excellence and results in children’s lives being forever changed.”
Note: Next year’s festival is slated for Saturday, May 13, 2017 at Broyhill Home in Clyde. For more information, call Mike Leslie at 828-734-8449.