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Every child deserves sweet dreams!

Writer's picture: bchfamilybchfamily

Every child wants to be loved. So many boys and girls living at Baptist Children’s Homes (BCH) have been hurt by the adults in their lives they’ve counted on to love and care for them. It’s why our Sweet Dreams Bed Sponsors are so important to the hundreds of children BCH provides safe homes to each year. Because of caring friends who have chosen to be bed sponsors, children can sleep peacefully knowing that they are loved.

Everyday, a child is reminded that you care. When you become a bed sponsor, you change a child’s life! Your sponsorship makes a difference in two essential ways: First, you provide for a child’s every day needs (food, clothing, school supplies, etc.). Second, that child sees your name on the bed sponsorship plaque in his or her bedroom and knows you care. It means the world to a boy when he walks into his room and sees your name. A girl lays her head on her pillow at night and does not worry about being hurt or hungry. Your name on that plaque reminds her everyday that you are there for her and that she is loved.

Be a monthly bed sponsor & let a child know she is loved. You can become a bed sponsor for only $25 per month. You may sponsor a room with two children for $50 per month or an entire cottage for $250 per month. Your monthly donation can be conveniently set up as an automatic recurring payment using your credit card. The plaque engraved with your name will be mounted in the child’s bedroom. You receive additional plaques for multiple sponsorships. If room permits, you can add a short, encouraging message or scripture. You may also choose to make your gift in honor or memory of a special person in your life.

Use your credit card online or you can call BCH’s Alan Williams at 336-474-1277 to become a sponsor by phone.

Please make a difference in a child’s life today. Thank you!

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