One of my favorite quotes is: “A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove. . .but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.” In light of events in our world, I would like to amend the last sentence to read: But the world may be a better place because I was important in the life of one of the least of these.
Thank you for making a difference.
In recent months, our minds have been filled with images of chaos from around the world. Our hearts are burdened by the physical and human devastation we’ve seen. However in the midst of all this, we have been inspired by the many acts of life-saving kindnesses –– food, water, clothes. People reaching out to provide a bed, a boat, a home, a hug. Each caring act given to share hope. Each gift given to make a difference. All bathed in prayer to the One who meets our needs and comforts our hearts.
In the midst of heartbreak, we claim the promise that we are not alone. God is there with us –– His arms wrapped around us holding us up when we can no longer stand on our own.
You are not alone.
This is the message we share every day with the children, families and individuals who walk through our doors.
We read in the book of Mark 10:16 how Jesus took the children up in his arms, placed his hands on them, and blessed them.
That is what He calls us to do today.
Drugs claimed the life of their mom. Floods of despair washed over them. They went to live with a relative who was not prepared to care for two additional children who had lived in an environment of abuse and drugs –– and who were grieving over the loss of their mother. They were hurting, angry and alone.
When they came into our care, we wrapped our arms around them. When they felt they could no longer stand on their own, we helped to carry them through their emotional trauma.
Their lives were saved.
Abuse by mom’s boyfriend was constant. When given an opportunity to make a better life for her children, mom chose her boyfriend. When 52 accounts of abuse were filed against the mom and her boyfriend, the children were separated only seeing each other once a month. They were traumatized by what they experienced throughout their lives.
And then they found a home with us.
When they came into our care, we wrapped our arms around them. When they felt they could no longer stand on their own, we helped carry them through their emotional trauma.
Their lives were saved.
A boy and his two younger sisters felt shivers of fear as they heard the sounds of the woods all around them. The rain filled their makeshift tent with a cold dampness and the blowing wind through the trees made sounds unlike anything they had heard. They kept waiting for the adults in their lives to care for them, to rescue them, but they never did. This was their home, this was their life –– a life of neglect and hopelessness. When they came into our care we wrapped our arms around them. When they felt they could no longer stand on their own, we were there to carry them to safety.
Their lives were saved.
She was born to a young teenage girl who lived on the streets. There was no hope and the tiny baby was discarded.
When she came into our care, the baby was malnourished and traumatized by being abandoned at birth. We wrapped her with loving arms, fed her and cared for all her needs. When she could not live on her own, we carried her.
Her life was saved.
These lives were saved. But what would have happened to each of these children if you had not given to make this ministry possible? They would be alone with no one to wrap their arms around them, no one to carry them when they could no longer stand alone, and no one to save them from the trauma and chaos.
This is why I ask you to give. You save lives.
Throughout the month of November, churches and individuals join together to help save the lives of the least of these. We could not do what we do each year without you. Your gift at this time is vital to us being able to help these children throughout 2018. The next few weeks are crucial.
Pray that we meet our fund raising goals. Encourage your church to give to the annual offering. Ask family and friends to join you in giving before year end. Your help is essential.
Last year, you helped to make the difference in the lives of more than 21,000! Thank YOU!
As you gather with family this Thanksgiving, stop and be thankful. Be thankful that God is indeed with us, with His arms wrapped around us, holding us up when we can no longer stand alone. Let us also follow His example, and ask where we can be used to lift someone up, place our hands on them, and bless them in the name of Jesus.
I am so thankful for you! Thank you for investing in the lives of the least of these through Baptist Children’s Homes. Remember, the return on your investment is saved lives –– for now and for eternity.
You change lives!
For information on how you can make a difference in the life of a child, call me at 336-689-4442.