The reach of Baptist Children’s Homes (BCH) extends through numerous ministries. Each Christ-centered service meets the needs of those who may feel overwhelmed and are grasping for hope and a future.
Caring homes for children. Residential care for children is provided for boys and girls ages infant to 21. The children live with professionally-trained child care workers (cottage parents) in a Christian, family environment. When the family is involved, BCH’s case managers work with family members to help them identify and overcome challenges. Emergency Care is provided on each residential campus and offers safe, immediate care for a child during a family crisis. After Care is provided to a child and custodian after leaving residential service. Transitional Living helps older children learn the skills they need to live as independent adults. BCH has a lifetime commitment to residents.

Compassionate family foster homes. Foster Care is a service providing substitute residential care for a child over a planned period when his/her family or legal custodian cannot provide care. To learn how to become a foster family, visit www.bchfostercare.org.
Helping hands for hard-working, single mothers.
Family Care provides supportive group homes for hard-working single mothers and their children. Family Care helps mothers reach stability so they can provide independent care for their family.
Loving haven for teen moms and babies. Teen Mother and Baby Residential Care is provided in a group home that offers care and parental education to young mothers and their babies. The home provides an on-site day care.
Healing hurts through children’s wilderness programs. Residential Wilderness Camping is provided for boys and girls in a highly-structured, outdoor environment. Cameron Boys Camp and Camp Duncan for Girls give children and families an opportunity to overcome problems through a group process and alternative education program. The camps are licensed non-public schools. Learn more by visiting www.cameronboyscamp.org and www.campduncanNC.org.
Quality weekday education for children. Weekday Education is a community program offered to infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and school-age care through five-star licensed centers in Thomasville. NC Pre-K is available.
Caring outreach to families in crisis. Through the Tucker Greater Vision Center in Thomasville, physical and educational resources are offered to North Carolina families in need of support and stability. In partnership with other organizations, Greater Vision provides food, preventative services, educational classes and other resources to strengthen families and encourage spiritual growth.
Safe refuge for college students in need. College Student Ministry, HOMEBASE, aids students at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee who have aged out of the children’s residential and foster care systems and do not have adequate family support. It offers physical, emotional and spiritual programs and resources to help students achieve success.

Supportive homes for special needs adults. Developmental Disabilities
Ministry (DDM) offers special needs adults long-term residential care and the opportunity to reach their highest level of independence in community-based, gender-specific group homes. Visit www.hereismyhome. org.
Loving support for the frail aging. North Carolina Baptist Aging Ministry (NCBAM) is a dynamic resource dedicated to serving NC’s aging and their families by providing information and referrals, connecting the aging and their families with resources to meet needs, and coordinating practical ministries. Visit www.ncbam.org.
Tender care for Guatemala orphans. Orphan Care is provided to abandoned and neglected children in Xela, Guatemala through the Good Shepherd Children’s Home. Children receive a caring home, nutritious food, clothing, medical care, and other daily provisions. Learn more at www.orphanreach.org.
Learn more about the many services and 22 locations where BCH serves children and families at www.bchfamily.org