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Lives are changed because you care

Writer's picture: bchfamilybchfamily

Recently while clearing off my desk, I uncovered a beautiful “thinking of you” card designed by one of our Camp Duncan girls and an “I’m so thankful for a friend like you” card created by one of our boys at Cameron Boys Camp. These beautiful cards express the importance of friends.

As I looked at them, I could not help but be reminded of you and our many friends of children.

You, dear friend, touched the lives of a family of five children who without our ministry would have been separated and placed in multiple homes. You helped give them a home where they could be together and you helped their family get to a place where, hopefully one day soon, they will be reunited. Thank you!

You helped Briana find her forever home. Briana dreamed she would one day be adopted, but she never thought it would become a reality. After living at Baptist Children’s Homes for six years, she was adopted by her former BCH cottage parents. Thank you!

You helped a young mother leave a life of drugs and abuse. At her weakest moment and alone, she cried to God and asked Him to take control. “Please turn my life around,” she cried. She now describes her life as a miracle, “God transformed my life.” Now, her number one priority is being a better mom and making a better life for her and her children. Thank you!

You introduced Abigail to God. Abigail lives at Camp Duncan for Girls. She made a commitment to make life changes when she entered Camp Duncan and has worked hard to accomplish her goals focusing on her relationships. Abigail now has a new relationship – a relationship with God. “Letting Christ into my life made a big difference. I want to be close to the Lord. I am reading my Bible and I pray every day.” There were 203 professions of faith in 2017 and hundreds of others that rededicated their lives to God. Thank you!

You put the word success back into Sam’s life. Sam was failing in school. His days were spent shut off from everyone while he played video games in a dark room. He came into our care hungry and the stench from his clothes was overwhelming. But you helped provide clean clothes, food, books, shoes, a warm bed, and big doses of encouragement and it made a difference. Sam began to excel in school. When he took his end-of-the-course math exam, his test score was the highest level, a “5”, with a total score of 266. He scored in the upper 5% of those who took the test. His score exceeded the scores of those in his school district and in North Carolina. Sam is another young man who accepted Christ into his heart this year. Thank you!

You helped provide a new friend to a lonely aging adult. You helped her feel less frightened. You helped make sure she had food when she was not able to go to the grocery store. You were a part of helping her receive a needed wheelchair ramp. You helped provide transportation when she needed to go for doctor’s visits. But, most of all you helped her not feel alone. Thank you!

You shared the gift of hope with 32,576 children, families and individuals last year. So yes, as I uncovered this beautiful “thinking of you” card, I am indeed thinking of you. And “I’m so thankful for a friend like you.” Thank you!

When you give, you stand with our staff members who stand at the door of each of our ministries with outstretched arms offering God’s love. You help make it all possible. Thank you!

As Easter approaches, we are preparing for the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. We see the power of that resurrection every day in the changed lives of those we serve. Thank you for saying a resounding “Yes” when God said to you “Feed my sheep.” Thank you for saying “Yes” when God said to you “Whatever you have done for the least of these you have done unto me.” Thank you for saying “Yes” when God said to you “Bear ye one another’s burdens.” Thank you!

“Thinking of you” and hoping you experience a glorious Easter!

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