God’s provision in our lives is more than we can envision. Paul reminds us in his letter to the Ephesians: “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine...” May was a month filled with many blessings –– we experienced His unimaginable provision.
As I was beginning to gather my thoughts to write this month’s column, a bus from Hickory Grove Baptist Church in Charlotte pulled up outside my window. I watched for a brief moment as the women stepped off the bus and then I went to greet them. The joy on their faces flashed as they introduced themselves as the “Sisters in Stitches.” They came to deliver 26 hand-made quilts “each stitch sewn with love.”
This was not the first time these ladies had been so generous. I recall a child who had received one of their quilts a number of years ago. When the girl graduated from high school and was ready to leave us, the first item she packed was her quilt. I remember seeing her wrap her quilt around her shoulders while watching a movie on several occasions when I visited her cottage. It had provided her warmth on cold nights and comfort when the trauma of her past crept in –– when she needed it most.
Just imagine the Sisters in Stitches gathered, working to create these gifts of love. Now, hear their laughter and see how much fun they enjoy with each other. This is a wonderful image of God’s provision for our children through His children.
Outside the back door of my office building is what appears to be a campground. During the first few days of May, we welcomed ten recreational vehicles to Mills Home in Thomasville. The group of Campers on Mission were here to help renovate a cottage and count, sort and shelve food donated during the annual Food Roundup –– food and supplies given by churches and Baptist associations from across the state. Campers on Mission also help with donations as they arrive at Cameron Boys Camp in Moore County. Trucks roll in transporting God’s provision for our children through His children.
For ten years, the senior adult group from Pitts Baptist Church has traveled to Kennedy Home (KH) in Kinston to help with the food drive. They not only count and sort the food, but they also provide encouragement, emotional support and love to everyone at KH. Each year, through their prayers, gift of time and hard work, they spiritually wrap their arms around us creating another wonderful image of God’s provision for our children through His children.
More than 100 volunteers began arriving the Friday before Mother’s Day on the Broyhill Home campus in Clyde. They came to cook delicious barbecue and raise monies to provide for the children that will be served at Broyhill in the year ahead. It is a labor of love for members of Nineveh Baptist Church, Pastor Mike Leslie, and other church members from churches in Haywood Baptist Association.
Imagine the smell of barbecue wafting in the air throughout the night. As the rest of the volunteers arrive Saturday morning, there is a buzz of activity. Hours and hours of work given by awesome volunteers create yet another image of God’s provision for our children through His children.
The sounds of loud mufflers and horns resound as motorcycles leave Fort Caswell at Oak Island for the third annual Ride to Clyde. The bikers reach their first destination –– Camp Duncan in Aberdeen –– and the girls cheer welcoming their guests. When one biker removed the helmet from her hair, one of the girls shouted in amazement, “They have women riding motorcycles!” The lady motorcyclist invited the young girl to sit on her bike and try on her helmet.
This is a fun and unique picture of God’s provision for our children through His children. This year, Ride to Clyde raised $55,000.
We are so thankful for each gift given. We celebrate the proclamation of God’s greatest gift through His Son Jesus and the proclamation of His provision which is indeed exceedingly, abundantly more than what we could ever ask or imagine, according to the power that worketh in us.
Thank you for the many ways you put hands and feet to your prayers. Always remember, you matter! You matter first and foremost to God! You matter to the children and families we serve. You matter to Dr. Blackwell and to each staff person who serves.