Two major storms sweeping across North Carolina in one month has kept Baptist Children’s Homes (BCH) leadership on guard and dealing with damages.
Tropical storm Michael, which devastated the Florida panhandle as a hurricane, was a close call for BCH. The storm delivered heavy winds and rain to BCH’s statewide locations but no substantial damage. The same could not be said about Michael’s predecessor, Hurricane Florence.
“Thankfully and most importantly, everyone remained safe,” said Michael C. Blackwell, BCH President/CEO. “Kennedy Home in Kinston was impacted the greatest, and we are still uncovering more damage as we delve into the recovery process.”
Damage to buildings are worse than the initial assessment revealed — 19 of the 23 buildings at Kennedy Home were impacted. The Eastern NC campus was already dealing with multiple issues as well as substantial damage to the overall electric power system.
“We are reminding ourselves that in the midst of everything we are facing, God is still God,” said Brian Baltzell, Director at Kennedy Home.
Kennedy Home needs skilled volunteers to help with the most extensive projects.The campus is also hosting three additional “Friends of Children” workdays where volunteers of all ages can help with additional needs. The dates are October 27, November 10 and December 8, all on Saturdays.
Register at www.bchfamily.org/foc or contact Alan Williams at 336.474.1277. Skilled volunteers interested in helping can contact Kennedy Home at 252-522-0811.