It is 4:00 in the morning when the phone rings at the emergency care cottage.
“We have 4 children under the age of 10, do you have room?”
House parents begin to ready the rooms so that the children will have a warm bed to crawl into when they arrive. They also begin to prepare a snack knowing the children may have not eaten for days considering their circumstances.
Opioids have stolen their Mom away from them.
The cottage is quiet when the four children arrive. It is hard for them to understand where they are. There are children sleeping in several rooms as they walk down the hall to the office. One of the younger children is crying, and the 10 year old quickly jumps into action to take care of her. The 7 year old little boy states that he is hungry. They all make their way to the kitchen for a snack and then they are each tucked into bed.
The house parents stay close throughout the night being the hands and feet of Jesus to these little ones.
The morning is quite a change from the quietness of the night when the children first came into the cottage. The other children join their house parents in doing everything they can to help the children understand their new surroundings. The younger children stay very close to the house parents while the older two join in the activities with the other children. The 10 year old still keeps a watchful eye on her brothers and sisters.
You can see the effects of trauma in the eyes of each of these precious children.
And Jesus said..."Come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest."
You have helped these precious siblings discover peace and rest at Baptist Children's Homes! Will you consider helping other children know the REST and PEACE of Jesus?
Give immediately at www.bchfamily.org/givenow