Our children are amazed by all you do for them. It is hard at times for them to understand that you love them and want the very best for them. But, we remind them that you are the “real deal” and they remind us, in their own words, “You rock!”
Gifts to Baptist Children’s Homes (BCH) come in many forms, shapes and sizes. For example, just last week a gift of an insurance policy was received. Several people recently chose to give through their IRA, and I’m receiving calls from others interested in doing the same. Some very faithful friends made their journey home to be with the Lord and desired for memorial gifts to be sent to help the boys and girls. Others named BCH as a beneficiary in their Wills.
We receive gifts of money, while at other times it is an in-kind gift such as food. Many Christmas gifts were given for the children. One friend purchased bicycles for every child at Kennedy Home. We received several vehicles in 2018 that help with transportation needs. Clothes, personal care items, paper products, and new linens are always welcome.
Tommy Kinlaw has been a BCH friend for years, donating food and meat products from his grocery store on a regular basis. Tommy’s love for BCH was instilled in him as a child by his mom and dad. In 2017, Tommy’s church gave $1,996. He and some of the members of Cedar Creek Baptist Church in Fayetteville decided they wanted to give more. Their idea was to fill old canning jars with change. –– “Change for Change.”
Members brought their quart jars out of storage and they were challenged to fill 100 jars with loose change. Every family participated. In fact, they were so enthusiastic that they filled the jars and came back asking for more.
Tommy called me on New Year’s Eve. When I heard his voice, I knew he had exciting news. He proclaimed that God had blessed their quart jar idea. They raised $7,437.49.
Tommy and Cedar Creek are asking other churches to hold a “Change for Change” Campaign. Tommy is challenging North Carolina Baptists to get out those old quart jars, dust them off, and begin to fill them up.
Many friends give the gift of time. In May and September, thousands of people of all ages make their way to our campuses for Friends of Children Workdays. Sunday school classes adopt cottages and visit on a monthly basis. Others provide VBS, Bible studies and come to our locations on mission. Campers on Mission and volunteers from Apex Baptist Church are often on our campuses counting, sorting and organizing our food pantries. Thousands of volunteers helped Kennedy Home rebuild following Hurricane Florence.

Last Saturday, I came to the office to catch up. Pat and Harold Clapps’ car was sitting in the parking lot. It is not unusual for them to come in on Saturday, too. What is unusual is that they are not staff members. They are volunteers. They work every day, each giving close to 40 hours every week.
Several years ago, I began praying that God would send my office a volunteer –– someone servant minded who was gifted with office management skills.
Pat felt God leading her to retire earlier than she had planned. When she shared that she would be retiring to volunteer at BCH, her supervisor asked what she would be doing. Pat responded, “I don’t know. I have not talked with them, yet. But I know it is where God wants Harold and me.”
Unknown to Clapps at the time, they were an answer to my prayers. The couple not only volunteer in our office, they help with other BCH events and projects. Harold often brings doughnuts to cottages. The children call him “Mr. Doughnut” to his delight. We are so blessed by them and the many others across the state who give their time to volunteer.
Thank you for your financial support. Thank you for being BCH ambassadors encouraging your church and neighbors to give. Thanks to all who volunteer and give so much time.
God calls us to take care of the “least of these.” It cannot be done alone. It takes all of us working together shoulder to shoulder. Thank you and remember the words of our children, YOU ROCK!
Leave a legacy through planned giving. Visit www.bchlegacy.org for more information.