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All the parts are needed in the body of Christ

Writer: bchfamilybchfamily

Volunteers for Baptist Children's Homes of NC

During the last six months of serving as the Director of Volunteer Engagement, I have been overwhelmed with joy watching brothers and sisters in Christ live out what it means to be the body of Christ. At Baptist Children’s Homes (BCH), we serve children, adults, and families who have suffered tremendous hardship—yet time and time again—volunteers have stepped up and been the hands and feet of Jesus. While most of the volunteering opportunities are indirect in nature, one can never underestimate the impact that service has on a person’s life.

Volunteers of all ages serve BCH across the state in a variety of capacities. Some are first-time volunteers, and others have been serving BCH for years—decades. This summer, children attending VBS have enthusiastically brought their offerings and gifts to help. In July, I had the privilege to attend VBS and teach a missions lesson to the children of First Baptist Welcome, who eagerly brought as their mission project pajamas, books, and money for the residents of Mills Home. After learning about foster care and how the BCH ministers to children, the kids were excited to share about times when they visited Mills Home. They were excited to invite their families to the Mills Home Friends of Children event on September 21. Their enthusiasm and selfless hearts moved me in such a special way.

While some volunteering opportunities this summer have been planned in advance, others were the answer to specific calls for help. We had volunteers from the Vietnamese Church in High Point help Fancy Finds move a large furniture donation to the store. The showroom of furniture was given to Fancy Finds, and all of the proceeds will go to further BCH’s ministries and programs. Without the help of the volunteers, there would have been no way for the staff to move the large donation on such a short timeline. Other groups from Piedmont Baptist Association responded to help assemble chairs for the new Mills Home park. One of the South Elm Street Baptist Church volunteers was a 94-year-old woman. She told stories of serving at Mills Home in 1949 when she and her husband brought gifts to the children. Her love for Jesus and her passion for serving were infectious to those around her, including BCH’s Chief Operating Officer Keith Henry.

Most volunteers serve for a few hours or a day, but several groups have served for multiple days this past month. Deep Impact and Brookwood Baptist Church youth both served at Odum Home for several days doing landscaping and cleaning. Green Street Baptist Church helped Christian Adoption Services for their first Heritage Weekend, where adoptive families got to celebrate and embrace the Filipino culture of their adoptive children. Members of Scotts Hill Baptist Church served at Mountain Camp, providing an unforgettable four days of Spirit-filled fun, worship, and fellowship for the children in the care of BCH. Whether it was an hour or a week of service, the impact was tremendous and demonstrated the love of Christ to those BCH serves.

There is a spot for everyone to serve, regardless of age, skill, or the amount of time you have available. As the body of Christ, we are all called to serve. Whether one is the hands assembling chairs, the feet picking up donations, or the ear listening compassionately, a volunteer’s service makes a difference to those who are healing from suffering. On mission together, we get to share in the joys of God’s redemptive work! Visit to Find Your Spot to serve.

Above Photo: Scotts Hill Baptist Church students warmly welcomed BCH’s boys and girls with open arms to Mountain Camp. Mountain Camp is a four-day camp experience produced by the church.

“If one part suffers, every part suffers with it. If one part is honored, every part shares in its joy. You are the body of Christ. Each one of you is a part of it” — 1 Corinthians 12:26-27

Written By Kristyn Butts, BCH Director of Volunteer Engagement

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