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Baptist Children’s Homes Names Melber as its New CEO

David Melber CEO Baptist Children's Homes of North Carolina

By Blake Ragsdale, BCH Vice President of Communications

October 12, 2024

David Melber, a 25-year leader who has dedicated himself to non-profit ministry within Southern Baptist life, has been named as the next Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Baptist Children’s Homes of North Carolina (BCH). Melber, currently the Chief Operating Officer/Chief Financial Officer for the Georgia Baptist Mission Board (GBMB) and an ordained minister, accepted the position after a vote by the BCH board of trustees the evening of Friday, October 11, 2024. 

“Coming into this role at Baptist Children’s Homes of North Carolina is both sobering and uniquely humbling,” says Melber.  “God has been preparing me for this opportunity since a visit in 2003 to an orphanage in Moldova where He opened my eyes to the plight of those in great need – particularly children – who have no voice.

This is an opportunity to serve, to share the incredible needs, to build relationships and see the body of Christ mobilized so that lives are changed for all eternity.”

In the past nine years, Melber has served in executive positions with the GBMB, the North American Mission Board (NAMB) and Send Relief, a collaboration between NAMB and the International Mission Board (IMB) to respond to global crises and help the vulnerable.

“David has a deep and sincere faith. I’ve had the privilege to serve with him in overseas mission work, local church ministry, relief work and camp ministry,” says Paul Chitwood, President of IMB. “ He is a passionate, highly intelligent, intentional leader with strong skills and a unique combination of experiences. David is a high achiever who leads organizations to success.”

At GBMB in Suwanee, GA from 2020 to the present , Melber has continued growing his experience in managing the resources of a large-scale nonprofit. As COO/CFO, he oversees all of the organization’s operations including its financial services which is responsible for more than $300 million in total assets and operates on a $50 million budget.

During his tenure from 2015 to 2019 as Sr. Vice President of NAMB in Alpharetta, GA,  Melber was responsible for developing what would become known as Send Relief. This involved developing partnerships with 42 state Baptist conventions as well as other national and global partnerships. All of these efforts led to him being named President for Send Relief which has provided disaster and relief support to 2.56 million people across 85 countries and opened up 1,680 new regions for the sharing of the Gospel. Send Relief is currently providing aid to the states, including Western NC, impacted by Hurricane Helene.

“David Melber is a visionary leader – professional and highly relational – who knows how to cast a vision and mobilize others to get it done,” says Kevin Ezell, President of NAMB, who worked with Melber at Send Relief. “He has spent many years in nonprofit ministry and knows how to navigate that lane very well.”

The process of identifying the new CEO began in late 2023 by the BCH Transition and Search Committee chaired by David Powell, Senior Pastor of Lovedale Baptist Church in Sylva and member of the BCH board. Powell has sought prayer in every aspect of the nationwide search process in order to ensure that the search was foremost led by God.

“As we arrive at this moment, we give all thanks and glory to God, whose perfect timing has brought us here,” says Powell. “I am grateful to the committee for their service and remarkable commitment to pursuing God’s will. Most of all, I am excited for the future of BCH because of who the Lord led us to recommend. I am confident that David Melber will be the person to seize the opportunities that God sets before us with the help of dedicated staff and ministry partners. His executive skills and extensive experience make him the ideal leader to shepherd BCH into the future. What truly sets him apart, however, is how he consistently reflects his genuine love for the Lord in both his professional and personal life.”

A Leadership Search Prayer Guide, released by the committee earlier this year, asked for BCH’s stakeholders to pray for “a Christ-centered, servant leader who is called to serve the vulnerable population in NC and beyond” and that “there only be unity in where God is leading.” 

“I can say with certainty that the Lord answered these prayers and many others,” Powell continues. “His sovereignty and provision have been evident.”

Ronnie Holman, Chair of the BCH board of trustees and member of  Baton Baptist Church in Hudson, agrees. “Through God’s faithfulness and the prayers of those who love this ministry, the Lord has brought David Melber and BCH together. On behalf of the board, we are grateful that David has accepted this calling, and we are looking, with expectation, at what God is going to do through his leadership.”

Melber will remain with GBMB until the end of the year. The trustees have granted him the interim title of CEO-elect until his official start date of January 2, 2025. Melber will be present for the Annual Meeting of the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina (BSCNC) held at the Koury Convention Center in Greensboro.

“It's a great day to be an NC Baptist, and a new era of ministry for the Baptist Children's Homes,” says Todd Unzicker, Executive Director-Treasurer of the BSCNC. “God has uniquely prepared David Melber with leadership experience and a heart for ministry to the most vulnerable. The future is bright for our movement of churches on mission together.”

During the Annual Meeting, Melber will be introduced to messengers from the stage during Session 2 on Tuesday, November 5 at 10:20 a.m. BCH will be hosting two “Meet and Greet” events at its display booth in the Imperial Ballroom to give attendees the opportunity to greet Melber. The first will be from 7:30 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. and the second from noon to 1:30 p.m.

“We look forward to our NC Baptist friends not only meeting David the person but seeing the heart behind the man,” says Brenda Gray, BCH Executive Vice President of Development & Communications. Alongside BCH COO Keith Henry, Gray has served as Co-interim president for the organization.  “I am passionate about raising support for the BCH ministry because I am passionate for every child and every person we serve to experience the unconditional love of Christ. I can say, with confidence and excitement, that this is also David’s heart.”

Henry agreed, “It’s been a tremendous privilege serving with Brenda to oversee the ministry while God guided the committee’s search. I echo her sentiments about David and his strength of character. Physically and spiritually, the children, families and individuals we serve will greatly benefit from David’s leadership.”

Melber is a native of Paducah, KY. After surrendering to a call to ministry, he attended The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY where he received his Master of Divinity. Melber has been married to his wife, Tera, for 33 years. The couple, who are now empty-nesters, have three biological children and three adopted children.

“Tera and I have always prayed that God would open up a role with an organization like BCH,” Melber says. “Looking back at the journey with Send Relief, Georgia Baptist Mission Board, and the adoption of our three international children, it’s amazing to see how the Lord has worked through all of our circumstances to bring us to this point. I cannot think of anything greater to give my life to.”

The couple plan to move to Thomasville, NC as Melber’s office will be located at the Mills Home campus, BCH’s inaugural location that also serves as the nonprofit’s administrative headquarters. Melber and his wife desire to live on campus so they can best get to know the staff, the children and individuals who BCH serves, and the 139-year-old ministry itself.

“One of the biggest priorities for me is demonstrating – especially over time – my love of the Lord and love for my neighbor,” Melber says. “My neighbor includes the staff, who are our most valuable resource, but also includes the broader BCH family of NC Baptists, supporters and ministry partners. At the end of it all, this is not about me or my name. It is about Jesus working through His people to accomplish what only He can accomplish.”

Look for more information in the coming days at and BCH’s news publication, Charity & Children.

Additional Testimonials

"I know very few, if any, leaders who hold together such professional acumen and tenacity side-by-side with a heart that’s so deeply devoted to God and the things He cares about. He’s a great visionary, strategist, and communicator, but what makes all that so compelling is that David lives the vision before he asks others to join him in it. He’s the real deal, plain and simple -- as a husband, father, friend, disciple and Christian leader.”

Jedd Medefind
President, the Christian Alliance for Orphans (CAFO)

"David is one of the sharpest leaders I know. He's the type of man you call when you need wisdom in difficult times or help when you get stuck. He's a problem solver and a champion of others. His practical leadership skills make him incredibly effective in every role he has been placed in. Most importantly, David loves Jesus and the advancement of God's kingdom. This is reflected in godly family he has raised and the impactful roles he has held. I could not be more thrilled to have David serving North Carolina Baptists in this new capacity."

Dr. Ronnie Parrott
Lead Pastor, Christ Community Church, Huntersville, NC

"David Melber is an outstanding individual and leader! He and Tara not only advocate for caring for the vulnerable, they live it out every day through their actions and in their personal lives. We have worked alongside them for God’s Kingdom and have seen their passion for children and for Jesus.”

Jerry T. Haag
President/CEO, Florida Baptist Children’s Homes | One More Child

"David is trustworthy and cares that the Lord’s resources are handled with utmost accountability. They are present on Sundays, attentive, and eager to follow God’s Word. They have opened their home for the last several years to lead a Bible study for high school friends of their youngest son, Isaac. Multiple of those friends yielded their lives to Christ and were baptized in our church. I would hire both David and Tera Melber today on our staff if that were a possibility.”

Landon Dowden
The Melbers’ Pastor -- Senior Pastor, Hebron Baptist Church in Dacula, GA

"David is a leader of leaders. He is at his best when he sees an opportunity to fly and bring others along who desire to move forward as well. He shows legitimate concern and caring for his teammates, especially with spiritual health and character. He is a passionate man and matches that with transparency and honesty.”

Joe Outlaw
Former HR Director, Georgia Baptist Mission Board

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