A coolness, abating summer, creeps down from the mountain ridges surrounding Broyhill Home in Clyde as North Carolina Baptists from Western Carolina churches gather on Thursday, September 5, for the 63rd Annual Western Area Conference (WAC). Baptist Children’s Homes (BCH) staff and residents welcomed guests to campus for cottage tours and a barbecue dinner. Worship in song and a program featuring children in care and testimonies to God’s greatness caused voices to lift in song, loud “amens,” and occasional tears rolling down cheeks.

This year’s conference also included three special presentations for faithful service to the Lord. The presentation of the Western Area “Friends of Children” Award was made to the Catawba River Baptist Association (CRBA) for their “cakes for kids” program initiated three years ago. The first year, members from CRBA churches baked, decorated, and delivered 179 cakes to be frozen and used throughout the year to celebrate children’s birthdays. This year, the group delivered nearly 300 cakes. The award was received by CRBA Director of Missions Robby Smith.
“I was so surprised,” said BCH’s Western Area Director of Development, Lewis Smith. “It wasn’t on the program. When Brenda stepped to the podium and called my name, I didn’t know what was up.”

Lewis Smith was presented with the Sharing Hope Legacy Award by BCH’s Executive Vice President for Development and Communication, Brenda Gray.
“To feel the love and appreciation for the years of partnership with so many people and churches across western North Carolina was amazing,” Smith said. “It took my breath away. I couldn’t find words to say, and for me, that is saying something. It is a blessing to know my service has been God honoring.”
Another surprise presentation was made by BCH Trustee Mike Leslie and BCH’s Chief Operating Officer, Keith Henry. This time, Brenda Gray was left speechless when her name was called. Henry presented Gray with BCH’s Founder Award for Distinguished Service—an award rarely given.
“Your dedication has never wavered, even in the most challenging of times,” Henry said of Gray. “When others might have grown weary, you found new reserves of strength, always putting the needs of others before your own. And what makes you truly exceptional is that you do it all with such humility and grace. You never seek the spotlight, but today, we shine it brightly on you because you deserve every bit of this recognition.”
Gray has served BCH since 1999, leading the charge to raise millions of dollars and befriending countless North Carolina Baptists and other friends while serving as BCH’s “chief ambassador” for hurting children and families.
“I am deeply honored,” Gray said. “My desire is always that the Lord is lifted up and that He is the one who receives all glory. My heart is filled with appreciation to those I serve with and for those who sacrificially give of their resources and pray for this ministry that I love so much.”
The 2025 Western Area Conference is slated for September 4.
Written by Jim Edminson, Editor of Charity & Children