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BCH communicators recognized with 13 national awards

Michael C. Blackwell and Baptist Children’s Homes (BCH) staff members received awards from the Baptist Communicators Association (BCA) during a virtual presentation on April 20. The national competition is designed to encourage and recognize professional excellence among Baptist communicators.

Blackwell, BCH president/CEO, was honored with multiple awards. He received 1st place for his voice-over performance on BCH’s retrospective video “Founded on Faith...Build on Love.” For the same project, he shared a 3rd place video storytelling award with BCH director of communications Blake Ragsdale.

Blackwell was also recognized for his podcast, “It’s a Family Matter.” He received 2nd place award for overall broadcast/podcast and 3rd place for the individual episode, “Small Enough for God: Part 2.”

Ragsdale and Randy Durham of Credence Pictures picked up 1st and 3rd place awards

for “CHOSEN,” the 2020 Annual Offering video, in two different categories. Ragsdale received a 3rd place in feature writing less than 750 words for “Family’s Dream Comes True.”

Carol Layton, NCBAM director of communications and Administration, and Jim Edminson, assistant to the president and editor of Charity & Children, received 1st place for the audio version of “One Hope” daily devotional. Layton received 2nd place in overall book publication for the devotional’s print version. For print advertising or promotion, Layton received 1st place for the “Rev Up for Rampin’ Up!” rack card and 2nd place for the “NCBAM Foster Grandparents” pamphlet. She was also awarded 2nd place for “2020 Ministry Highlights” print piece in the print publication/other category

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