“Oh to tell you my story is to tell of Him" from
the "Worthwhile Investments" September 2020 column
Two little girls came to Baptist Children's Homes (BCH) late one night so cold, hungry and scared to death. Crying for their momma and not understanding why they had to leave what was so normal to them. To see a four and six-year-old in this state was heart wrenching.
Abuse of all sorts and neglect was all over them. Teddy bears and a snack started to soften their hearts as a warm bath and new pajamas made for a peaceful sleep.
Over the next few months, building healthy relationships, sharing the love of Christ, experiencing the unconditional love they had never known and counseling, started them on a new journey of healing and eventually to an adoptive Christian family.
You can help make a difference in the lives of other children with similar stories that are served by BCH. Give immediately at www.bchfamily.org/givenow
Worthwhile Investments is written by Brenda Gray, Executive Vice President of Development and Communications