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Children are God’s treasures

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Cody was a precious beautiful treasure, and I was blessed to be a part of his life if only for a brief time. He captured my heart from the moment I saw him. At the time I was working and volunteering at a program called “Home of the Innocents.” The program provided emergency care for children from seven counties and a convalescent center for medically fragile children.

Cody was a precious baby boy. Cody’s mom had a drug addiction. Cody suffered a number of medical problems due to her addiction and his lack of prenatal care. After Cody was born, his mom made a choice to never see him again. The nurses called for someone to give Cody that extra care—that extra touch every child needs.

I would go to work around 7:00 to spend time with Cody—coaxing him to eat, rubbing his tiny arms and legs and holding him tight when he would quiver and shake. He was a beautiful child, a precious gift from God, a treasure. For ten month’s I would go to Cody’s crib and love on him. I would rock and hold this special baby boy. When I left for the day, I always stopped by his crib to touch him—to feel his tiny hand grip my finger.

We knew the end was near and it was difficult to let him go. My heart was broken the day he passed, but at the same time my heart rejoiced that Cody had been a part of my life. I had given him lots of loving touches—and he had given so much more right back to me. It was not long before God sent me another child to hold, and then another, and another. Each one was a treasure to hold.

Years later, God is still placing children in my life through the ministry of Baptist Children’s Homes (BCH), children who need His special touch. In Mark 10:16 we read about a special kind of touch. A loving touch! In an instant, Jesus’ action defined our priority and our mission—for our families and for our churches. “And He took them in His arms, put His hands on them, and blessed them.” Jesus touches the children and He blesses them. He acknowledged their presence and their importance to Him. But his touch does something else as well, His touch blesses, His touch transforms. What the world sees as worthless, God sees as treasure.

In this issue of Charity & Children (C&C), you will read stories of two children who had not been treasured. Both are stories of children who so desperately needed to be held, to be touched by God’s love—to be transformed by his blessing. Through BCH’s ministry, God gives us so many opportunities to offer children a loving touch. We cannot do it without you. Your prayerful support makes it possible for us to be here each day to touch, to hold, to treasure. In just a few short weeks, you will be asked to join us in treasuring the life of each baby (born and unborn), each child who feels hopeless without a family, each family that feels like giving up, each mom and dad fighting the demon called addiction, each person hungry and alone who walks through our doors in need by giving through your Thanksgiving Offering.

I know over the next two months you will feel like you are getting a lot of mail from us. You will receive a Christmas Gift catalog, two issues of C&C, a Christmas mailing, etc. Why? Because I know you want to be informed of our needs and because we need your help. The task before us can sometimes feel daunting and overwhelming. But we face each day knowing God has gone before us and will provide. We face each day knowing God has placed the needs of those we serve on your heart.

So many children walk through our doors struggling from abuse, neglect, and crisis. It is my prayer that we can be a part of sharing with them how God’s sees them as treasure, His treasure.

When Jesse first came to BCH, he would not talk. He had closed everyone and everything out. Jesse’s cottage parents loved him until the walls he built around him crumbled. Jesse learned he was not the mistake he had been told he was all his life. Jesse found love at BCH. Jesse found hope at BCH. Jesse learned that he is God’s treasure at BCH. When you give, you touch a heart. But let me warn you—get out your tissues. Your heart will be touched as well.

“His Treasure” by Jesse

In a junkyard to stay, Abandoned by all around.

Life’s storms leave their marks. I’m rusted inside and out.

All those others, With their temporary shine.

Jealousy taints me inside. Its venom destroying life.

Like locusts swarming in a field, My very existence fades.

Like a morning mist, How can life go on?

Then the horizon broadens, It’s a day like no other.

One comes to buy some junk. He sets his eyes on me.

Humbly he says, “This one’s mine.” He reaches for me, takes me in His arms.

The salesman says, “That one stays.” Then He says, “But I paid full price.”

He brings me home. When all hope seemed lost, He sprays me with WD40. The rust and tarnish dissolves. I begin to shine, Shine like no other. The shine never fades. Nor ceases to be bright.

People wonder About the change.

I was junk, discarded. Now I’m His treasure!

Today, Jesse has a family of his own. He has broken the cycle of abuse. He treasures and is treasured by his family and loves being a husband and father. Jesse will tell you he is so thankful for the way God is enriching and growing his family. Jesse is the owner of a small business and loves giving back to his community. Thank you for giving to the Lord! So many lives are being changed. We are so grateful. You are treasured, too!

For more information on how you can help treasure children who so desperately need you, call me at 336-689-4442 or email

Written by Brenda Gray, Executive Vice President, Development & Communications

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