The first morning of May began with a steady rain as the ramp-building team arrived at Mary Scudillo’s home in Rockwell. “I offered them a big umbrella. But they were so dedicated; they just started working in the rain!” Mary was excited to see work begin on the ramp, but her voice still had an edge of unease to it—unease she has been living with for months.
Her mother, Barbara Thomas, who needs the ramp, is 77 years old and currently a resident at Citadel Salisbury, home to the state’s worst nursing home cluster of COVID -19 cases according to the Charlotte Observer (April 27). “I’ve been trying for more than a year to bring her home. Her condition had finally improved enough to be released, but then like so many others there, she tested positive for COVID. She has recovered now and they told me she can be released May 14 if she has a wheelchair ramp in place.”
Mary completed paperwork with North Carolina Baptist Aging Ministry (NCBAM) in mid-February, which allowed the ministry to start looking for volunteer ramp builders. “The Call Center overcame several challenges to meet this need, including funding for materials, the number of needs in the area, and then the pandemic,” says Melanie Beeson, Call Center Director for NCBAM. “Many volunteers are at an at-risk age group and are self-isolating. We are careful not to ask individuals to put themselves or those they are serving at an increased risk”
Robert Leonard, south central regional director for NCBAM, heard of Barbara’s need, and felt he could safely and strategically put a building team together so that she could finally come home. Volunteers from Parkwood Baptist, Glorieta Baptist, and Hopewell Baptist stepped up to help meet the need.
Though they started their work in the rain, the day soon gave way to blue skies and bright sunshine. As the ramp began to take shape, Mary’s voice began to sound more hopeful. “It’s so exciting to hear the saws and the hammering and to know it’s actually happening.” Then she adds, “Well, the cats don’t like it, but I certainly do!”
Mary says that May 14 “can’t come soon enough” for her or her mother. “When the pandemic began, visitors were not allowed and the past month has been terrible not being able to see each other. We are able to talk on the phone three or four times a day, but it’s not the same.”
With the ramp completed and the sun out, Mary’s spirits lifted even more. “Oh, I am just so thankful for the people who do this and for the volunteers who made it possible for my mom to be able to leave the nursing home and to be at home. I know she’ll enjoy being out in the sunshine.”
For more information about NCBAM call 877-506-2226 or visit or go to www.ncbam.org
Article by Carol Layton, NCBAM Director of Communications and Administration