“I thank my God for every remembrance of
you” (Phil 1:3).
As I remember, I am reminded of the many prayers for our children and staff prayed by you, our difference makers! I am reminded of
the hours volunteers spent helping with building projects, making quilts, providing birthday parties, creating Easter baskets, collecting towels and clothes, providing truckloads of food and so much more, our difference makers!
“I thank my God for every remembrance of
you” (Phil 1:3).
For Emily, who was the first in her family to graduate from college. You made a difference! Sheryl, a teenage girl expecting a child in four weeks, cried as she opened gifts and celebrated the gift of this child with a baby shower. You made a difference! For Josh whose father and mother have died and who needed a home, you made a difference! For three precious children (siblings) who had never had a bed of their own, you made a difference! Tim bravely stood to speak at his high school graduation. He stood with confidence wearing a new suit purchased for him for this very special occasion. For Tim, you made a difference!
For Jeffrey who had never been on an Easter Egg hunt, you made a difference! For Jack who was ashamed to go to school because he had no clothes, you made a difference. For Susie, Annie, and Tommie who had never experienced a Christmas together, you made a difference! For Lisa dealing with the trauma of missing her
Mom who was in prison, you made a difference! For Jacob who had never experienced a father, you made a difference! For Jackson who was given a second chance after making some bad choices, you made a difference! For the hundreds we care for each day, you do indeed make a difference! Eighty percent of those who come
to us have not heard the message of God’s love for them. For those who hear and experience transforming hope and healing through Jesus, we praise God for the difference!
It is such a blessing to remember and celebrate those “difference makers” in our lives who have encouraged us and influenced us in such positive and wonderful ways. Stop and take a moment to remember and cherish those memories. Throughout the month of May as you remember special friends, relatives (remember Mother’s Day), those who have and those who are risking their lives for our freedom, people who have pointed us to God, people who have shown us grace and enriched our lives, consider making a gift to BCH in their honor or in their memory. What better way to remember someone than living out their example by being a difference maker in the life of a child for years to come. (See our opportunity in this issue to honor those special difference makers!)
For our prayer warriors, thank you! For those who have nurtured, mentored, and supported, thank you! For those who have loved, encouraged, and spiritually discipled, thank you! As we remember those we serve and as we remember those who come along side us and enable us to serve, we give God praise and thanks for
every remembrance!
You can make a worthwhile investment in the lives of Baptist Children's Homes' children and families by giving an online donation at bchfamily.org/givenow
Written by Brenda Gray, Executive Vice President, Development & Communications