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First podcast episode features Mills Home's Ciara

The new podcast “It’s a family matter.” with Dr. Michael C. Blackwell is now available through podcast providers and by visiting online at

The first episode features Mills Home resident Ciara and is entitled: Valedictorian succeeds in breaking through early challenges

The episode description reads: She never knew her father. Her loving mother died. Orphaned and working through past abuse, young Ciara came to Baptist Children's Homes. Dr. Michael Blackwell interviews Ciara who shares how, experiencing God’s love through caring support and finding newfound confidence in Christ, she developed God-given gifts and talents to earn top high school honors.

“What better way to introduce our new podcast than to begin with Ciara’s story,” said Dr. Michael C. Blackwell, BCH’s president/CEO. “She is a dear friend, and has been since she came to live on the Mills Home campus.”

In his 36 years as BCH’s leader, Blackwell has used his voice to speak up for the defenseless and for those often overlooked. He has advocated for children, special needs adults, and hurting families throughout North Carolina and beyond. “It’s a family matter.” offers Dr. Michael C. Blackwell the opportunity to connect with a worldwide audience as he candidly shares the needs of those most vulnerable in society.

In this first episode, Dr. Blackwell and Ciara’s warm conversation shows the depth of their relationship and emphasizes the impact of God’s work through BCH.

“I am so thankful to not be in that funk that I was in before I came into care,” shares Ciara. “I’m truly, 100% blessed.”

In “It’s A Family Matter.” with Dr. Michael C. Blackwell, listeners will find a trusted friend who will introduce difficult topics, engage knowledgeable experts, and bring a godly perspective to family matters that touch us all.

After listening to Ciara’s episode, be sure to subscribe, and share the podcast with a friend.

Search for "Baptist Children's Homes" on your favorite podcast app.

Article written by John Adamcik, BCH Director of Human Resources

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