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Food Roundup Urgent News

Writer's picture: bchfamilybchfamily

Dear friends of children:

Blessings to you and your congregation during these unprecedented circumstances. You are walking in faith in the face of uncertainty. There is no doubt the ways you are praying, worshipping and serving others looks very different today than it did just a couple weeks ago. No matter the situation, there are two things we at Baptist Children’s Homes (BCH) know for certain. First, we serve a God who is faithful! And two, you have always been faithful to walk alongside of us, no matter the storm, in our efforts to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the least of these (Matthew 25:40). Thank you for being an anchor for our children through the storm!

We are rescheduling the Food Roundup from April to later this year. Because of COVID-19, it is not possible to move forward with the food drive in April. We will communicate with you as soon as we have more details. This has been a difficult decision because so many of you have expressed your excitement at helping our boys and girls, many who have not been able to count on eating regularly until arriving at BCH. Just because we are rescheduling doesn’t mean you can’t help. In fact, because the Food Roundup is postponed, we need your immediate help in this time of crisis!

Food supplies at all BCH locations will run low because the Food Roundup is postponed. Because it has been almost a year since the previous food drive, our food, perishable and nonperishable, will be in short supply. We count on April’s Food Roundup to refill our shelves in our children’s cottages and food pantries. And because we depend on the food drive, our budget is not prepared to purchase the food that will be needed to feed our children and special needs adults throughout the next few months. As you can see, you are desperately needed!

Here are four ways you and your church can ensure our food and funding do not run out:

1. Pray: Ask God to lead you and others to help with the need. He is able!

2. Give by check or online: This is the most essential way your church can help. Your financial offering will allow us to purchase the food and supplies that are most-needed throughout our statewide ministries. Send a check to Baptist Children's Homes, PO Box 338, Thomasville, NC 27362 or help immediately by giving online at

3. Send gift cards: Gift cards, especially to stores like Walmart and Food Lion, will help us purchase the most-needed food and supplies.

4. Deliver essential food & supplies: Call the BCH location nearest you (phone numbers below) to find out their specific needs. A representative will instruct you with the safest way to deliver the supplies.

While many places have closed, BCH is open and boys and girls are still coming into our care. The needs of abused, neglected and abandoned children don’t cease even in this time of crisis. We will continue to serve the children already with us and will safely and appropriately bring new children into our care. Your prayers and support are critical! We count on you! We cannot minister to boys and girls without you. If you need more information, please call me at 336-689-4442.

With gratitude,

Brenda Gray

BCH Executive Vice President

Development & Communications

Baptist Children’s Homes Ministry Locations and Phone Numbers Please call before coming:

1. Broyhill Home in Clyde and Western NC homes Linda Morgan, Lead Dir., 828-627-9254

2. Mills Home in Thomasville and Care House in Lenoir Regina Keener, Dir., 336-474-1200

3. Kennedy Home in KinstonChristopher Allabaugh, Dir., 252-522-0811

4. Odum Home in PembrokeKathy Locklear, Res. Mgr., 910-521-3433

5. Cameron Boys Camp in CameronDrew Scott, Dir., 910-245-4034

6. Camp Duncan in AberdeenBrad Gearhart, Dir., 910-944-3077

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