My message for you today is, He is still rolling stones. One of my favorite Bible stories is the account of Mary, mother of Jesus, and Mary Magdalene at the tomb of Jesus.
Scripture begins, “And very early on the first day of the week they came to the tomb when the sun had risen.” (Mark 16:2)
These grieving, burdened women rose from their beds ready to tackle the difficult job before them –– to attend to Jesus’s body. And on the top of their minds was, “Who will roll the stone from the door of the tomb?” The question turned to worry as they pondered, “Who will be there to help us?”
I can only imagine how great was the literal and figurative weight of the task. Remember, these two women were doing for Jesus the last kindness they would do. Their actions that day were born out of a deep love for Him. Their actions rose from a passion to serve Him. Their passion pushed against their fears. And yet, they faced the enormity of rolling the stone away.
Like Mary, mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, and those who are in our care, people all around us encounter stones and huge obstacles. And sometimes, like you and me, they are filled with doubt and fear.
There is a big stone in front of our world today called COVID-19 –– the coronavirus. The impact of COVID-19 upon BCH will be significant. As you know, we are dependent on you and our family of faith. Whenever our church family is unable to congregate, it has a financial impact. We have also postponed our annual Food Roundup until this coming fall. And because we count on the food drive, our budget is not prepared to purchase the food needed to feed our children and special needs adults throughout the next few months.
As we face these obstacles, we must remember that God is “still rolling stones.” A scripture that comes to mind and brings me comfort is: “For God hath not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, and of love and of a sound mind.” (II Timothy 1:7)
Like Mary, mother of Jesus, and Mary Magdalene, I pray that our passion will override our fear with a spirit of power, love and a sound mind.
In the midst of what may appear as darkness, God is at work. I am receiving calls and texts daily asking, “What can I do to help?”
Here are a few suggestions:
1. Increase your time in prayer. Pray for guidance on how God can use you to help remove “the stones” during these uncertain days. Pray that the virus will be contained and will end. Pray for the medical community who are caring for the sick. Pray that God will draw each of us closer to Him during this time. Pray for opportunities to share His love and message of redemption. Pray for opportunities to roll away stones –– determine to bring the love of Jesus to a world in need so that lives may be changed forever.
2. Increase time spent in personal devotion, drawing comfort and direction from Him. Daily, celebrate and glorify a Risen Savior!
3. Increase time spent with family –– at home, via Facetime, etc. Be creative. We all live such chaotic lives. Take time to slow down and cherish those around you. Make sure you are checking on parents and older family members. Isolation impacts the physical well being of older adults. Make sure they know you care. Make sure they have the food and medications they need.
4. Get outside and enjoy God’s creation. Take walks while practicing social distancing. Enjoy the spring sunshine.
5. Check on the vulnerable in your community and explore ways to meet their needs.
Finally, remember the children and residents in our care. Your financial gifts now are crucial. Your support keeps our doors open and guarantees that the least of these are served.
You can give online at www.bchfamily.org/givenow, send a check, or mail gift cards. Gift cards to grocery stores like Food Lion or Walmart enable us to purchase needed food and supplies. To deliver food and supplies, call the BCH location nearest you to find out their specific needs. A staff member will direct you regarding the safest way to make your delivery.
When a crisis hits, the need to serve children and families does not decrease, but increases. We will continue to serve the children in our care and will welcome new hurting children as they come.
Remember, your prayers and support are critical. Thank you for remembering the children. God is still rolling stones.
For more information on how you can help at this time, call me at 336-689-4442.
Worthwhile Investments is written by Brenda Gray, BCH Executive Vice President of Development & Communications