This past year was filled with many challenges. But in the midst of all that happened, stories of hope and victory transpired at Baptist Children’s Homes (BCH) and ended up on the pages of Charity & Children. God has been faithful. Have your heart lifted while reading a few of the most encouraging of 2020.
Dave and Charlotte Cline serve at Olive Branch Baptist Church in Roxboro where Dave is pastor. The couple felt God leading them to become foster parents.

Weeks of training by BCH’s staff members culminated in the meeting between the Clines and their first foster care children––Kendall, Kassidy, Kayden, and Kailey––sisters aged 10 months to seven years old.
After fostering the girls for a year, the rights of their biological parents were terminated and the Clines adopted the sisters on January 10 of this year. Along with Caleb, the Cline’s 12-year-old biological son, they have become a family.
Spiritually, the seeds that have been planted by the Clines are growing. Kailey, their oldest daughter, asked Jesus into her heart while being fostered.
“God wants people to open up their homes and open up their hearts,” Charlotte says.
“You don’t need anything special, you just need to have the willingness and desire.”
God turned the chaos in four little girls’ lives into the security they desperately needed.
You can help make a difference in the lives of other children with similar stories that are served by BCH. Give immediately at www.bchfamily.org/givenow
Article is written by Blake Ragsdale, Director of Communications