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Grandson Roger loves passing along a good story

Writer's picture: bchfamilybchfamily

Roger is grand number two, and he is quite grand indeed. I do not know if my grandson ever sits still. His interests are wide and varied and almost all of his pursuits need open spaces. He rides bikes and horses, he casts for fish and throws the football for touchdowns, he builds fires and forts.

This summer, he is learning jiu jitsu when he is not camping at Lake Bob Sandlin State Park with his family or visiting Nana and PawPaw to help out with their church’s VBS. Roger is tall, sturdy, and fearless. He seems to thrive on meeting the next challenge or winning the next contest.

Yesterday, I had a text with photo showing Roger helping a family friend with his barber school assignment. The new lightning bolt Tyler gave him runs across the side of his head just above his right ear. That pretty much sums up my boy’s audacious spirit. Roger is a go-getter.

Roger is also an avid reader. His home bookshelves showcase his wide-ranging interests, and his public library card is well-used. His current favorite? The serial adventures of Dog Man. This past holiday season, I bought the latest installment of the series as a gift for Roger, but he had already purchased the new copy on the day it came out. Roger saves his money and is ready when each new adventure hits the bookstore’s shelves.

His love of books appears out of character in one with his intrepid nature until I think about it, and then it makes sense. His mind is quick and engaging, and he has a healthy curiosity about life. Stories power his imagination and satisfy his intellect. And reading insatiably means he always has something to share with others, some knowledge to pass along, or maybe a good joke. Talking with Roger is a pleasure, and I take away something new every time.

Sharing stories is a passion, too, of the man at the head of the ministry I serve. Earlier this year, Dr. Blackwell’s latest book went to the printer’s and came back to great excitement around here. Within the pages of the beautiful book, photos, vignettes, historical facts, and presidential anecdotes tell the continuing story of Baptist Children’s Homes of North Carolina, focusing on the most recent 20 years of his tenure. The text unfolds from the perspective of one who has, in more ways than one, lived the stories on the pages. From Murphy to Manteo, Founded on faith…Built on love showcases the people and events that continue making this ministry vital and essential to those it serves as well as to those who serve across the state and across time. BCH has a rich heritage, and reading the stories from the pen of the man who knows the intimate details and behind-the-scenes features is particularly informative.

Myriad personalities move through the pages of this full-color book. So many diverse characters, crucial events, and momentous occasions pack into the telling of BCH’s story. There is a central theme at work here, too, that the book’s subtitle foreshadows: Thriving on hope: The Baptist Children’s Homes of North Carolina.

I add my congratulations to Dr. Blackwell, along with many who have already read advance copies of his new book. (See page 6 to order your copy.) He has taken the history of God’s ministry and made it personal to all of us who join him in doing our part to advance the Lord’s work here––now and since its very first day. What a powerful story. What a necessary telling. To God be the glory!

In Texas, my grandson will read lots of books this summer. He will increase his knowledge and satisfy his curiosity. He will explore the world through the eyes of the adventurers who pen their stories and live the histories of those who tell their tales. Then he will put down his book and go outside, taking the stories with him as he continues becoming the amazing person he is. I need to call Roger soon. I feel the need to hear another good story right now.

By Jim Edminson, Editor of Charity & Children

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