Hope in Style made its biggest impact to date on the lives of the children living at Mills
Home in Thomasville. The children’s fashion show and silent auction brought in more than $118,000 before expenses.
“Even though it is before expenses, this number exceeds the past eight Hope In Style events,”said Baptist Children’s Homes’ Karen Slate, who organizes the event with the help of a volunteer committee and sponsors including lead sponsors Belk in Greensboro and Vanguard Ministries.
Children go shopping with volunteers to pick out new school outfits courtesy of Belk. At the event, boys and girls model their clothing on the runway to the applause of attendees.
“You could see the children’s confidence and smiles on full display,” Slate said. “Because of Hope in Style supporters, they know that they are valued and loved.”
Tanya Rivera, news anchor at Channel 2 in Greensboro, returned as this year’s emcee. Musical entertainment was provided by Eve Hubbard Strings Quartet and Mills Home pastor Dr. Randy Stewart.
Article Written by Blake Ragsdale, Managing Editor
Slide show from Hope in Style 2019. Click on arrow to scroll through photos of the day.