It takes all of us working together to make a difference in the lives of children and families at Baptist Children's Homes. Here are seven ways you can be involved:
Pray, Pray and then Pray some more. Please commit to pray daily for those we serve and our staff.
Give - Your gifts enabled us to touch the lives of nearly 157,000 last year with God's love and grace. Give that others may go and others may serve.
Turn your calling into a career. Call us, we would love to share how you can become a part of our BCH team.
Be a part of a mission team project at BCH. Work teams are needed on several of our campuses to help with renovation projects.
Be a part of a mission team in Guatemala. We need volunteer teams to complete the building of the third cottage at our orphanage in Guatemala.
Participate in our annual Food Drive. Encourage your church, your family and friends to participate in our food drive. We need to bring in enough food to feed the children through the year.
Encourage your church to have a BCH speaker come and share the awesome story of how lives are being changed through their giving.
For more information on how you can make a difference in the lives of those we care for, contact BCH's Brenda Gray at 336-689-4442 or bbgray@bchfamily.org.