A Life Forever Changed! -- Rachel's story from
the "Worthwhile Investments" September 2020 Column.
"I am 14 years old. I have been at Baptist Children's Homes (BCH) for one year and eight months. My biological mother was on drugs at the time of the birth of me and my twin brother. My biological mom could not take care of me or my brother, so we were given to a family friend.
"She also didn't take care of us. We were adopted into a loving family, which later fell apart and resulted in my moving in with an aunt and uncle.
"While living with my aunt and uncle I got into drinking, doing drugs and hanging out with the wrong friends. We decided as a family that we needed some help. I didn't want to come to BCH at first because I didn't want to stop my addictions and bad habits, or let people help me. I didn't have Jesus in my heart and I was running away and avoiding Him because I thought I was too far gone.
"On July 8th of 2019, I accepted God into my life and realized I couldn't keep running away from Him. I'm excited to continue growing in my relationship with my family, to be a good example to other and to grow in my relationship with God.”
Will you consider helping other children know the REST and PEACE of Jesus?
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Worthwhile Investments is written by Brenda Gray, Executive Vice President of Development and Communications