Who doesn't love a child? "Baptist Children's Homes (BCH) has had a special place in our hearts for over 40 years. We're so grateful to partner to give hope and love to the children they care for," Piedmont Baptist Association (PBA) Mission Strategist Michael Barrett said at the recent 130th Annual Meeting. The theme for the night was "Mission Engagement."
Clay Leonard, BCH's Piedmont Region director of development shared, "In Genesis 22, Abraham looked up and saw the ram caught in the thicket as he was in the midst of an unthinkable sacrifice. He named the place 'The LORD Will Provide' (Jehovah Jireh) and he worshipped the Lord for His provision. ...The gifts they (PBA) have given and the meaningful time of intercessory prayer for us caused me to look up and worship our Jehovah Jireh. I heard a missionary say one time, 'If it's God's will, it's God's bill.' Once again, He provides for what He decides, and I am thankful."
Through the collaboration and generosity of the PBA and their partnering churches, the group gave:
82 Gas Cards for Foster Families
70 Camp Sponsorships
89 Birthday Bags with Gift Cards and Party Supplies
10 Blessing Boxes for Family Care Moms
15 Blessing Boxes for Sex-Trafficking Victims
In addition to the gifts, a meaningful time was intentionally set aside to pray specifically over each group of gifts and the children, moms, and families who would receive them.
BCH Associate Vice President of Child and Family Services Christopher Allabaugh said: "The annual meeting of the Piedmont Association was something truly wonderful to behold. The worship was uplifting and the fellowship engaging. What was even more impressive was watching a group of churches be so dedicated to being on mission together. BCH is truly blessed by this partnership, and more importantly, those we serve benefit from the love displayed by this incredible collection of churches."
With the help of the PBA, 70 children in BCH's care will experience this summer the wonder and power of Mountain Camp produced by Scotts Hill Baptist Church in Wilmington. "Mountain Camp is an unforgettable example of how Christ uses teens to share the gospel to BCH's youth," BCH's Vice President of Children Mission: sharing hope . . . changing lives Vision: To provide the highest quality of Christian services to children, adults and families in a caring culture of measurable excellence and Family Services Linda Morgan said.
In attendance for the PBA's annual meeting were the campers from Camp Duncan for Girls. Harleigh, one of the campers, said, "Mountain camp is Awesome! Fun! Radical! Fantastic! Mountain Camp is special because of the intentionality of the camp all the way around. The people, games, small group leaders, and the focus on the need for a relationship with Christ."
At the close of the PBA meeting, the girls from Camp Duncan gathered around a pretend campfire and sang: "Thank you Church. Thank you, Thank you Church. Thank you Church!"
Thank you PBA churches for being the hands and feet of Jesus and for finding your spot to serve sacrificially.
Let us help you "Find Your Spot!" Visit www.bchfamily.org/volunteer for current volunteer opportunities or submit a volunteer inquiry.
Written By Kristyn Butts, BCH Director of Volunteer Engagement