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They were happy to be back in a safe place

Writer's picture: bchfamilybchfamily

Darkness invaded the lives of five siblings. The call came in the early hours of the morning: “We have a sibling group. Can you help?”

We immediately received the children into a cottage. They had no clothes except the clothes they were wearing and were hungry. They lived at risk with a parent.

Once settled into our care, they began to ask questions: “Do we eat every day? Is this my bed for tomorrow, too? Is this my bathroom? Will we get clothes for school? Do you have shoes that will would fit me?”

The child’s shoes were way too small for his feet and worn beyond use. His questions were heartbreaking, but the cottage mom answered each one with a loving, “Yes.”

Two weeks passed and the children returned to the parent –– which was a decision we all questioned. One week later, the parent was arrested for cooking meth in their home.

DSS contacted us and asked if they could bring the children back. When they arrived on campus the siblings cheered. They were happy to be back in a safe place. The cottage parents received them with open arms and caring hearts. The children could not wait to return to their rooms. Clothing had to be bought again –– but God provided. These children have hope and a future because of you.

You brought light into their dark world.

You have helped these precious siblings discover peace and rest at Baptist Children's Homes! Will you consider helping other children know the REST and PEACE of Jesus?

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