“Oh to tell you my story is to tell of Him"
from the "Worthwhile Investments" September 2020 column
Two children were discovered living in a car. The dad was on drugs, had lost everything, and had his two children ages seven and five with him living in a car. When they were found the dad had gone off and gotten high and failed to come back to the children.
They were alone, fearful, cold, dirty, and hungry. They came into care at Baptist Children's Homes (BCH). As they entered the cottage, the housemother had a balloon for each one, and a snack ready at the table. As they entered their bedroom the seven- year-old said, "This room is big. We live in a car."
With tears in the housemother's eyes she said, "Well now you get to live with us and this is your room." That night with arms around each other they slept in the one bed even though there were two. As morning broke they were peeping out the door as the housemother came down the hall. "Breakfast is ready," she said.
The two brothers looked at each other. The five-year-old said, "We only eat when we have money. How much is breakfast? We don't have any money."
Again, the housemother said, "This is your home. You eat all you want and you do not pay for food." They ran down the hall so excited.
A few months later the children were happy, loved, and nurtured. A new child came into care and the five-year-old took over the tour. "This is your big bedroom to sleep in, and you get to eat every day for free, and you get hugs and stuff. This is my home," he said.
Will you consider helping other children know the HOPE of Jesus? Give immediately at www.bchfamily.org/givenow
Worthwhile Investments is written by Brenda Gray, Executive Vice President of Development and Communications