Making Jesus known is the most exciting opportunity that drew me to be a part of the Baptist Children’s Homes (BCH) family. I have looked forward, since beginning my role as CEO on January 1st, to the opportunity of sharing the story of a child whose life has been forever changed. Today is that day! Your compassionate support of the BCH ministry ensured that this young lady heard the Good News of the gospel.
Since we serve NC foster care children — boys and girls from the most vulnerable of circumstances — I will refer to this young lady as “Sophia” for the necessity of her privacy. This bright teenager is now thriving at BCH through the care of her cottage parents and staff. Most importantly, because she has heard the gospel and seen it lived out, Sophia has accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior!
Like many of the children we serve, Sophia came to us from an abusive home where there was little hope. Her father was not a part of her life, and her mother was with a man who not only severely mistreated her but Sophia, too. Her mother coped through heavy substance abuse which only made the situation worse.
Our hearts grieve whenever we learn of the pain a child like Sophia has endured. And we rejoice at seeing her life lovingly restored through the BCH ministry and your generous support and prayers. It is because of Sophia that I invite you to consider making an Easter gift that will allow other boys and girls to discover the same hope she has found.
And Sophia does not keep the hope she has received to herself — she shares her faith with the other children at BCH. The day she was baptized, she gave her testimony with everyone attending the service. Sophia is a role model whose story is making a difference in the lives of others. And when you give, you become a part of the beautiful story God is writing in children’s hearts and lives!
I am thankful for Sophia’s story. I am thankful for you and your passion for the BCH ministry. Most of all, I am thankful for a Savior we can celebrate this Easter — a Savior who sacrificed Himself and conquered death so we may have new life in Him.
David Melber, BCH Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
P.S. We give God the glory for the 322 decisions for Christ made in 2024!Your Easter gift allows us to share the hope of the gospel. Use the enclosed envelope or give online at bchfamily.org/easter