Aging Adults Ministry (NCBAM)
The mission of North Carolina Baptist Aging Ministry (NCBAM) is to provide “help for the journey” for senior adults 65+ in ways that help them maintain their independence and quality of life.
The heart of NCBAM is its state-of-the-art Call Center (877.506.2226). Trained specialists refer callers to community resources, or connect them with church volunteers who share God’s love by meeting practical needs.
NCBAM’s seven regional directors serve local churches and senior adult pastors by offering more than 40 basic classes and other special programming for senior adult groups.
ONE HOPE is NCBAM’s dedicated outreach to address the epidemic of social isolation and loneliness that affects many of North Carolina’s seniors. The outreach features the NCBAM Hope Line (866.578.4673). Trained volunteers encourage callers with a friendly voice and a compassionate ear.